Commit to Caring the Earth Held in Inauguration of Bumi Hijau Indah Foundation
Commit to Caring the Earth Held in Inauguration of Bumi Hijau Indah Foundation
Posted by: nesia | Tuesday, 26 November 2019

On Monday (11/25/2019) the Bumi Hijau Indah Foundation inauguration was held at Celukan Bawang, Buleleng Regency, Bali. The inauguration of the Bumi Hijau Indah Foundation carries the slogan 'Cultivate Energy, Take Care of the Earth'. What are the implementations of the slogan that has been and will be implemented?
The slogan is a commitment from the Bumi Hijau Indah Foundation which has support from PT General Energy Bali. As we know that the environment as a place to live all organisms needs to be maintained balance. The effort to balance the biodiversity that has been taken by this foundation is to preserve marine biota.
Intact marine biota is a marker for a healthy and viable environment. The first step that has been taken is the rehabilitation of coral reefs. It is said that illegal hunting of marine life has ever taken place. But the damage was successfully overcome with awareness and identification matter. As a foundation that upholds the vision of nature conservation, the initial steps that have been carried out have a profound effect on the balance of sea biota in North Bali.
Bumi Hijau Indah Foundation has a mission that is in harmony with PT General Energy Bali, which is to maintain energy balance through caring for biodiversity. The mission is philosophically similar to the law of karma. If caring and processing are carried out in a balanced manner, it will get sweet fruit, namely biodiversity that lives in harmony.
The implementation of the inauguration was attended by the Regent of Buleleng, Putu Agus Suradnyana. The invitees and all parties involved in the inauguration of the foundation can see coral reef samples. It also exhibited conservation results that have been successfully carried out 5 years ago. Even though it is recognized that it requires time and great support from various elements, efforts to conserve marine life will be carried out continuously. Chairman of the Bumi Hijau Indah Foundation, Dodik Prasetia, also hopes that the community will take part in protecting the environment, especially the marine life of North Bali and its surroundings.