Nyepi ‘Ngembak Geni’ Moments, Singaraja City Government Involves Fire Trucks To Spray Disinfectant
Nyepi ‘Ngembak Geni’ Moments, Singaraja City Government Involves Fire Trucks To Spray Disinfectant
Posted by: nesia | Thursday, 26 March 2020

The Corona pandemic is spread indifferently. Each region of each country makes rules to anticipate it. The moment of Nyepi Day in Bali is also not permitted to conduct ceremonies where many people gather. On the day after the holy day called Ngembak Geni, the Singaraja City Government deployed fire trucks to spray disinfectants.
At that moment, the Regent of Buleleng, Putu Agus Suradnyana directly led the implementation of the sterilization of the Singaraja City area. In addition to a fire truck, the Amored Water Canon owned by the Buleleng Police Station also participated in this activity.
The spraying route includes the Tri Yuda Sakti Monument, Sukada to Jalan Gajah Mada. Continue to Imam Bonjol Street and end at Surapati Street. The AWC (Amored Water Canon) car sprayed disinfectant from the Banyuasri Cow Statue to Jalan A. Yani and ended at Surapati Street.
Disinfectants are sprayed at the right locations to gather lots of people. Namely the front of shops, fence-house, the outside of the market, the schoolyard, and Balai Banjar. The implementation of this disinfectant spraying activity is carried out gradually every week to overcome the spread of the Coronavirus.
In addition to the anticipation carried out, the Regent also urged residents to conduct social distancing. By reducing the intensity outside the home, it means participating in minimizing the possibility of spreading the virus.
The Regent also called on every village, village, and banjar to carry out the same activities. The appeal has so far been held in the Village of Busungbiu, Kecamatang Busungbiu. Mr. Ketut Suartama, Busungbiu Perbekel explained that the spraying was carried out with a pick-up car equipped with a pump engine. To enter the small alleys, the pump engine is brought manually.
To maintain health, then obey the rules that are applied for a while. Avoid leaving the house except for important needs. If you leave the house, wear a mask and clothes closed. Arriving home immediately change clothes and wash the body with soap. Do not forget to keep maintaining healthy nutrition for the body.