Traffic Monitoring in Bali to Reduce the Spread of Covid-19 Virus
Traffic Monitoring in Bali to Reduce the Spread of Covid-19 Virus
Posted by: nesia | Tuesday, 14 April 2020

The Covid-19 virus pandemic is indeed not over. However, positive efforts have been made by various parties to end this pandemic and also to help the affected communities. The police in Bali also make a positive effort. Today, the movement of people in Bali is being monitored through the flow of traffic on the highway.
According to the Director of the Bali Police Traffic, Commissioner Pol. Wisnu Putra, there has been no congested traffic flow in Bali since the government urged people to stay at home. This is known from CCTV monitoring in the Regional Traffic Management Center (RTMC) room conducted by members of the Traffic Control. By monitoring the development of the road situation throughout the island of Bali, it is expected that the number of Covid-19 patients can be suppressed.
To this day, the condition of the highway remains quiet, due to the effects of the holidays of students, Civil Servants (PNS), and also students. Nevertheless, Denpasar Police still monitor the movements of residents who were still gathering. If there is a community gathering, they will be dismissed. This is certainly in line with efforts to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
Not only monitoring, but an urgent appeal to the community was also carried out. The community was asked to postpone their schedule to go to their hometown, to break the chain of the Corona virus. So that their family members in the hometown are not infected, because the travelers are at risk of exposure to the virus while on their way. In addition, people are also asked to use masks, if they have to go outside. The use of this mask applies to the whole community, whether they’re sick or healthy.
With this 2020 Supreme Safety Operation, the development of Covid-19 is expected to be blocked. This operation takes pre-emptive, preventive, and also legal actions by coordinating with the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), the TNI, and the Regional Government.
Until today, the number of corona virus disease (Covid-19) has continued to increase in Indonesia, including on the island of Bali. Corona positive patient records in Indonesia have reached 4,557, with a total of 380 patients recovering. In Bali, there are 86 Covid-19 positive patients. Hopefully, these efforts could end the pandemic soon. Stay healthy!