Working Together to Suppress the Covid-19 Virus Spread in Bali
Working Together to Suppress the Covid-19 Virus Spread in Bali
Posted by: nesia | Thursday, 02 April 2020

As one of the areas affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, a number of volunteers in Bali are taking preventative action. This preventive action is in the form of spraying as much as 16 liters of disinfectant to the homes of residents in Jalan Kusuma Bangsa, Denpasar, Bali.
Covid-19 action volunteers consisted of Yamaha Nmax Club Indonesia Rescue, Indonesian Volunteer Society – Aksi Cepat Tanggap (Quick Action Response), and Bali Ambulance. This action was carried out voluntarily and coordinated by Budi Baskoro. According to him, this action had been carried out in the last few days by five representatives who went to the streets to spray disinfectants.
In addition to the efforts of volunteers who were moved to help each other, the Provincial Government of Bali also took a number of steps to prevent the spread. One of them is the limitation of people who want to go in and out of Bali. This restriction involves a number of customary and district villages to monitor the residents, especially those who have just returned from outside Bali. According to Chairman of the Bali Covid-19 Task Force, I Dewa Made Indra, the restrictive measure is an effort to reduce the risk of transmission and spread of the Covid-19 virus in Bali.
Since last Monday, precisely on March 30th, 2020, the Provincial Government of Bali has upgraded the status of handling Covid-19 from emergency alert to emergency response. This is because the number of positive cases of Covid-19 is increasing. In Bali alone, there are currently 19 positive cases of Covid-19, with two victims passed away.
In addition, the Governor of Bali also communicated with the Minister of Foreign Affairs regarding the handling of Indonesian migrant workers, especially Bali, who will return to Indonesia. The Governor of Bali asked representatives of the Republic of Indonesia abroad to examine the health and quarantine of Indonesian migrant workers who want to return to their homeland. Thus, only Covid-19 negative and healthy workers are allowed to return to Indonesia. While those who are stated positive will go through the quarantine process until they recover.
All steps to strengthen the handling of Covid-19 in Bali have involved almost all parties. Starting from the village, district, to the leaders of traditional villages in Bali, as well as volunteers who were moved to take actions. Thus, it is hoped that there will be no further spread of the Covid-19 virus and that Indonesia will recover soon. Let's pray and help as much as we can so that this pandemic could end soon! Don't forget to #StayAtHome for those who do not have the urgency to go out.