Mie Koples Culinary Special Cuisine Klungkung

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  • Pasar Senggol Klungkung, Semarapura Kelod Kangin, Kabupaten Klungkung, Bali, Indonesia


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Mie Koples Culinary Special Cuisine Klungkung.

Have you ever tried Indonesian's Mie Goreng or Mie Ayam? No doubt, both noodle-based cuisines have been already familiar in Indonesia. However, have you ever heard of Mie Koples? It sounds strange, but, guess what, Mie Koples is a traditional dish originated from Bali. It is a favourite food for most people in Klungkung regency, Bali and already famous for its delicacy.

The origin of the name of Mie Koples is derived from the dish itself which is based from vermicelli, or Indonesians commonly call it "mie bihun" and then "Koples" derived from the traditional ingredients of nuts used, which is sambal koples. 

Sambal Koples is made from baked shrimp paste, or commonly called "terasi" in Indonesia and fried ground nuts, then the shrimp paste is pounded together with the ground nuts. Then, the seasoning is combined with a little bit of coconut oil, lime, and a little water to make the combined spices dilute. Observed from the making process and the ingredients used, it amazing taste is already imaginable. This food is very suitable and more delicious eaten with additional "kerupuk" or crackers together.

Klungkung typical dish Mie Koples can be easily found throughout Klungkung regency. The price is certainly very cheap. For one serving, Mie Koples is sold ranging only at IDR 5,000 - IDR 7,000.

Mie Koples is really a recommended dish for all of you who visit in Bali, because Bali is a place to not only enjoy the natural beauty but also taste many typical culinary of every region in Bali including this typical food from Klungkung.