Due to Covid-19, Fast Boat Operational to Nusa Penida is Temporarily Closed
Due to Covid-19, Fast Boat Operational to Nusa Penida is Temporarily Closed
Posted by: haniapriliani | Thursday, 16 April 2020

All passengers fast boat from Kusamba to Nusa Penida in Klungkung, are temporarily closed starts from Thursday April 2020. Apart from the lack of passengers, it is also due to the information spread that there are Kusamba residents who had tested positive for Covid-19. So to break the chain of virus spread, the port staffs takes the initiative to temporarily closed the operation.
Some fast boat owners also claim that since the Corona virus cases found in Bali, the number of passengers that use the fast boat has continued to decline. Even now the number of passengers has fallen to 50 percent. With this temporary closure, it is hoped that community interaction can also be limited so that the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 can be controlled.
Head of Transportation and facilities of Klungkung Transportation Office, Mr Komang Sudiarta revealed that the crossing activity of the passengers to Nusa Penidia is now maximized by utilizing the KMP Nusa Jaya Abadi from Padang Bai Port in Karangasem. Nowadays, the KMP Nusa Jaya Abadi has been serving the crossing twice a day. To limit the interactions between passengers, the capacity of the ship is also limited by half. From 200 passengers, to a maximum of only 100 passengers.
Although several fast boat are closing in Kusamba port, Mr Komang Sudiarta ensure that logistical crossing to Nusa Penida remained safe. There are about 20 ships with a capacity of 20 tons/ships are serving the logistical thing from Kusamba port to Nusa Penida and Ceningan Island. Now, the community is really expected to reduce their outside activities and stay at home. By staying at home, the safety of yourself and others can be maintained.