The Covid-19 Impact Recovery Team is Established in Bali
The Covid-19 Impact Recovery Team is Established in Bali
Posted by: haniapriliani | Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Bali Provincial Government is moving forward to form the Covid-19 Impact Recovery Team. Mr Tjok Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati a.k.a Cok Ace as Bali Deputy Governor was appointed as the leader of this team. The team is planned to focusing the recovery on two sectors, in tourism and economic sectors such as MSME, cooperative, informal sector, as well as small traders.
In order to make the work of this team running smoothly, then Bali Governor, Mr Wayan Koster also collaborated with Bank Indonesia and the Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) to work together. This team is expected to form a definite scheme that can be used to fix the two sectors above once the crisis of Corona Virus is over. The team is also asked to be more focused, and working on target so that later the impact of Covid-19 on the Balinese economy sector could be controlled.
Aside from the tourism and economic sectors, Mr Governor also focused the attention on the general public who are directly affected by Covid-19. The public will be given a number of supports that sourced from village funds disbursed on the state budget and traditional village funds sourced from the Bali regional budget. Later on, each of indigenous village in Bali will be given IDR 300million for a fund. These funds will be given to drivers, motorcycle taxi drivers, parking attendants, and lay-off workers who are categorized as underprivileged. It is hoped that all the efforts that will be carried out by the Bali Provincial Government will run smoothly for the sustainable welfare of the Balinese people.