Stepping to Prevent Pandemic: Indigenous Village in Bali Do Isolation Independently
Stepping to Prevent Pandemic: Indigenous Village in Bali Do Isolation Independently
Posted by: nesia | Monday, 06 April 2020

The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic continues expands. On Sunday (2020/4/5), Chairperson of the Bali Province Covid-19 Task Force, Dewa Made Indra said that 35 cases of Covid-19 positive patients had been recorded in Bali. The results were reported from a sample of 188 Patients Under Supervision (PDP).
Seeing this situation, the Indigenous Village-Based Mutual Assistance Task Force and the Covid-19 Task Force at the Village Level will work together in several ways. Among them by uniting posts and supervising. Coupled with providing education to the community especially to Indonesian Migrant Workers who have just arrived in Bali.
Some Indigenous Villages in Bali have also carried out independent isolation to prevent spread. Bendesa Adat Gelgel, Putu Gede Arimbawa, decided after close to the traditional village apparatus several days before the increase in positive patients Covid-19. Residents of the Gelgel traditional village are expected to obey the rules for the sake of mutual safety and security.
Gelgel Village in Klungkung Regency has begun independent isolation since March 26. Starting this Monday (06/04/2020) the rules are tightened and clarified so that they can be obeyed and implemented properly. Rules in the form of a curfew. Residents were asked not to leave the house after 8:00 p.m. until the morning at 6:00 a.m. This decision was enforced after the Gelgel Indigenous Village residents were affected. Even though medical results that showed positive results have not yet been received, other villages have already been affected.
The regulation is based on an appeal from the government to limit activities. Medically, the community must carry out physical distancing and social distancing.
In the application of Indigenous Village regulations, socialization will be carried out for the next week. And if violations are still found, they will be subject to sanctions. The sanction is in the form of a fine in accordance with the mechanism of the mechanism in the village apparatus meeting. While in practice, Pecalang will routinely go around the village to patrol.
In the future, residents are asked to remain calm, obey the rules, and carry out procedures according to medical advice. The big hope is that efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19 with independent isolation in each village simultaneously can be effective.