Denpasar is Applied Community Activities Restrictions for Covid-19 Pandemic
Denpasar is Applied Community Activities Restrictions for Covid-19 Pandemic
Posted by: haniapriliani | Thursday, 28 May 2020

Various ways are currently being carried out by the government to suppress the growth rate of Covid-19 disease caused by Corona Virus in Indonesia. If Jakarta and several other cities around it implement PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restrictions), then Bali precisely in Denpasar City, implements PKM (Community Activities Restrictions) from May 15 to 30, 2020.
This PKM aims to limit the community activities. Such as an appeal for learning and working from home, and not outside the house if the situation is not important. Actually, the restrictions activities have been carried out since mid-March. However, this PKM is strengthened again in the form of regulation of Mayor so that it will be more assertive. The regulation of Mayor that will be issued is Perwali Number 32 of 2020 concerning Restrictions on Community Activities in Villages, Districts and Indigenous Villages in the Acceleration of Corona Virus Disease Management 2019 (Covid-19). There is no closure of places for this regulation, but only restrictions will be made.
Both districts and villages that will implement the Community Activities Restrictions will create a post at the border and will be guarded by pecalang and several administrative coordinators. Meanwhile, there are already 12 villages that have proposed to apply the Community Activities Restrictions, such as; Pemecutan Kaja Village, Sanur Kauh Village, Panjer Village, Pedungan Village, Sesetan Village, Ubung Kaja Village, Ubung Village, Padangsambian Klod Village, Penatih Village, Serangan Village, Kesiman Village, and Sanur Village. Before the PKM was held, the village officials along with the Daily Implementers of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Handling had conducted socialization to the community to equalize the perception. Hopefully the application of Community Activities Restrictions can successfully suppress the rate of corona virus spread in Bali.