What did the Balinese do on Nyepi?
What did the Balinese do on Nyepi?
Posted by: saktiika | Friday, 08 March 2019

It’s time for the Balinese Hindu to celebrate Day of Silence in Saka New Year 1940. In 2019, Nyepi or Day of Silence is celebrated on March 7th. So, for you who are having holiday in Bali within that date, it is better to not doing the outside activities. Because on Nyepi, the Balinese Hindu is doing what so called silence.
Nyepi on 2019
Nyepi is derived from the word sepi (silent), which means quiet and tranquil. On this big day, all kind of activities in Bali are prohibited. People are suggested to keep silence and stay within their home. Almost all public services such as airports and tourist attractions are closed down. But some important services like hospital is still open. Since it is the silence day, so you’d better to stay at the hotel or home. Because you will be subject to customary sanctions if you leave house and travel on that day. Moreover, there are always Pecalang or customary police who will go around to regulate order.
In the Saka New Year, Nyepi is carried out as a form of pleading to God the Almighty to purify Bhuana Alit or the human realm and the Bhuana Agung or the universe. Balinese people believe that as Hindus, they must perform Catur Brata at Nyepi. Catur Brata is a series of behaviors that should be carried out in the form of Mati Geni (do not light the fire), Mati Karya (do not working), Mati Lelungan (do not traveling), and Mati Lelanguan (do not listening to all kind of entertainment). Usually Catur Brata is done by fasting starting at 6 am on the Day of Silence for the next 24 hours. Even PHDI (Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia) in Bali is working together with some communication operators so that internet services are cut off for 24 hours when people do Catur Brata.
With the implementation of Catur Brata, it is hoped that in the new year it will begin with purity and cleanliness of the person as well as the environment. Eventually, there are some rituals that are also performed before Nyepi. Usually two to three days before Nyepi the Melasti Ceremony is held. On this day, the worship facilities in Pura will be paraded to the lake or the beach. The point is to purify all leteh or dirt in the human self and the universe.
Meanwhile one day before Day of Silence, precisely on Tilem Sasih Kesanga or the ninth new moon, each family in Banjar or village carries out the Buto Yad ceremony to asking to the Buto Yad so as not to disturb the human being. In addition, Pengerupukan ceremony is also held. Usually on this night, the Ogoh-ogoh is burned. This is done to expel Buta Kala from the surrounding environment.
Then, on the next day the Saka New Year celebration is held with Ngembak Geni after the Day of Silence. On this day, the Hindu people are doing Dharma Shanti with their big family as well as the neighbors. They are being gratitude for all the bless that have given also forgive one another in order to maintain peace and harmony.