Enliven The Cultural Values at Bali Arts Festival 2019
Enliven The Cultural Values at Bali Arts Festival 2019
Posted by: nesia | Tuesday, 18 June 2019

The event which is enlivened a month ahead known as Bali Arts Festival 2019 as the tittle. These events opened on 15 June 2019 past. Every carnival ornaments represent the spirit that attended by Presiden Joko Widodo, Bali Governor and his deputy, and others. Not only attend by figure, but all of these events involving every part of social elements. It is also expected to be attended by international visitors. In opening of the show, 4.300 artist from various region were involved.
Bali Arts Festival 2019 has "Bayu Pramana" as the theme, its means "Glorifying Wind Resources". All events are designed based on themes that aimed to reviving awareness of glorify power, energy and all elements of the universe. The Universe has the air element as the main of the breath of life. Whereas every element of life such as the way of thinking, living and the system of belief able to be lived well through breath or air.
This event, which is held every year, is an hope for the performers of arts, social cultural and the arts community to become icons so that it is known as a colossal, populist and global festival. That means every element of society without distinguishing between classes and groups can be enjoying these planned events.
This year, Bali Arts Festival starts on June 15 to July 13, 2019. Every day without a break will be held various events from dance performances, traditional arts performances, competitions to gatherings and workshops. Interested in enjoying the fun of this event in Bali? Well, a series of events Bali Arts Festival 2019 will be held at Werdhi Budaya Art Center that located on Jalan Nusa Indah Number 1, Panjer, South Denpasar District, Denpasar City, Bali.