Two Hospitals in Bali Prepared for Covid-19 Sample Test Laboratory
Two Hospitals in Bali Prepared for Covid-19 Sample Test Laboratory
Posted by: nesia | Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Responding to the outbreak of the Corona virus that attacks more than a quarter of a million people from around the world, Bali has set up two Hospitals for the examination of indicated patients. The two hospitals are Sanglah Hospital Denpasar and Udayana Kesdam Hospital. Both hospitals have different roles.
Sanglah Hospital Denpasar was prepared for laboratory testing of patient samples suspected of having been infected by Covid-19. Previously, in laboratory tests patients had to be sent to Jakarta and Surabaya. So spend a long time. When Sanglah Hospital Denpasar is ready for equipment for laboratory testing, it is hoped that positive patients can be treated as soon as possible. From two days yesterday, Tuesday 22/3/20, all equipment and medical personnel were prepared as well as possible.
The Chairman of the Bali Province Covid-19 Task Force, Dewa Made Indra, officially explained that the two hospitals were expected to function properly. Udayana Kesdam Hospital will be opened as a place for initial screening for patients suspected of having Corona. After the patient was screened then a swab laboratory test was carried out at Sanglah Hospital.
For people and tourists who are still in Bali, it is expected to take personal preventive measures first. Some medical advice, the community must provide social distancing. Residents and tourists are prohibited from making a crowd. At least each person gives a distance of one meter if they are in public spaces. And, it is mandatory to wear a mask to minimize the possibility of cutting off Covid-19 transmission.
Based on medical facts, Covid-19 is transmitted through droplets or saliva splashes. So to minimize the possibility, wear a mask. Plus, after traveling, especially from public spaces, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol. If possible, wash hands with running water and antiseptic soap for 20 seconds.