Holy Shivaratri Day: Balinese Hindus Strive in Self-awareness
Holy Shivaratri Day: Balinese Hindus Strive in Self-awareness
Posted by: nesia | Thursday, 23 January 2020

Based on the Balinese calendar which falls on Pangelong Ping 14 Sasih Kapitu, Balinese Hindus celebrating holy Shivaratri day. It coincides with the Gregorian calendar on Thursday, January 23, 2020. Holy Shivaratri day is the day to worship and brata for adherents.
Shiva in Sanskrit means holy day, giving hope, and happiness. Shiva is the manifestation names of God, that is God of Shiva. Shiva trusted as nourish of holy which getting by self-awareness then giving hope and also happiness.
Then, Ratri means the night or darkness. It relates to the fusion process that happens on the night day. At night, darkness fusion then became sunny morning.
Celebrating Shivaratri which means to reflect on the false, bad attitude and act has done in the past. There are 3 brata that were implemented on the Shivaratri day. Utama is consisting of Jagra (no sleeping), Monabrata (silent or no speak), Upawasa (fasting). Madya consist of Upawasa and Jagra. Lastly, Nista that doing Jagra.
In striving for self-awareness, Balinese Hindus implemented brata and worship. The worshiping is done three times. It’s the day before Shivaratri nights, in the middle of the night, and late the next morning. The worshiping arranged for Sang Hyang Shiva. When praying arranged banten pejati too. Its places in Sanggar Tutuan or Palinggih Padma.
Self-awareness not only as ground of self-evaluation. It functioned as directions to the Gods.
The Lubdaka story is known as the beginning of the Shivaratri celebration. Lubdaka is an animal hunter in the forest to support his family. The time came when Shivaratri night, he sat on a tree trunk located on the edge of the lake. Because he did not want to fall asleep, he plucked a leaf and accidentally dropped it right on the Shiva Linga. Indirectly, Lubdaka has worshiped. As an animal hunter, he felt that his actions were not good. Arrived in the morning, regret made him want to change. Finally, Lubdaka worked as a farmer even though his life was never enough. Until he died, Lubdaka worked as a farmer.
Atma or Spirit Lubdaka goes to the Loka World to pay karma for killing many animals. Sang Suratma met Sang Hyang Shiva and made calculations of worldly behavior from Lubdaka. Sang Hyang Shiva freed Lubdaka from previous karma because killing animals was done with full awareness to support the family. Lubdaka also underwent Jagra, Monabrata, and Upawasa while sitting on a tree shore on the lake, on Siwaratri night.
Shivaratri Night is a night of self-introspection. By evaluating every action and deed, awareness and intention will always be directed at the Creator.