Balinese Boreh Scrub: Traditional Remedy To Warm Our Body

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Balinese Boreh Scrub: Traditional Remedy To Warm Our Body.

When our body starts to feel sick and tired, taking vitamins is the most common option. But, there’s still other fun way to get your energy back: scrub. Has it ever cross your mind? Apparently, scrubs aren’t only for beauty. But also to warm our body. Let’s take a closer look to one of traditional scrubs in Bali, Boreh Scrub!

Boreh Scrub

Boreh scrub is made from various types of herbs and was only favored by old folks in Bali. Young people are reluctant to use the scrub, because it has a very strong aroma of herbs. But today, boreh scrub has become popular among young people, along with the “back to nature” lifestyle trend. Thus, it is not only the consumption of rural communities but also become one of the most sought after treatments by local and foreign tourists.

In addition to beauty, boreh scrub is also efficacious as traditional medicine. This body scrub can help warm the body, improve blood circulation, reduce muscle pain, bone pain, fever, chills, and even headaches. This is because, almost all the herbs used as ingredients for scrubs can warm and nourish the body. Nutmeg for example. With its antioxidant and sedative content, it can overcome muscle and nerve tension. Pepper functions to warm the body. Cloves and Javanese long pepper can stimulate blood circulation, relieve breathing, and eliminate nausea. Ginger can also provide warmth and help overcome inflammation and itching on the skin. Finally, Temulawak and Rice, both are able to provide benefits to soften the skin and lift dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. In addition, these two ingredients also are also able to overcome the problem of body odor.

To use it, boreh is sufficiently mixed with enough water to form a paste. Then, smear it all over your body and let it stand for 30 minutes. After dry, just rinse it off of your body with warm water until clean. Because the scrub is made from natural ingredients so it won’t be so difficult to clean the rest of the scrubs on your skin. Within a few hours after scrubs, your body will feel more refreshed! This treatment is suitable for you who prefer the traditional way to cure minor illnesses rather than using chemical drugs. Not only beneficial for health, your skin will feel smoother.

Today, you can find so many spa houses in Bali that offer this special treatment. If you happen to be in Bali, you can try this treatment. Assisted by a reliable massage therapist, your body will be healthy again after tired of traveling around the island. But if you don't have time, you can buy this scrub and make your own home treatment. Say goodbye to body aches!