Observing Turtle Behavior At Serangan Turtle Conservation
Observing Turtle Behavior At Serangan Turtle Conservation.
Seeing turtles in the wild is very pleasant. Especially if you accidentally meet one of those who swim freely in the ocean. It will certainly make you very happy and want to swim together. Even though they’re cute, you need to be careful with sea turtles in their habitat! Because they are easily stressed out when seeing something strange (like humans).
Serangan Turtle Conservation
You might find it hard to meet a sea turtle in Bali, because most of them were captured and traded. The number of sea turtles on the island of Bali decreases as a result of this meat trading. Some of them even become disabled, because their fins are snared with rope to make their nerves break. Sea turtles often experience other injuries that result in their fins being amputated. To minimize this human’s vicious behavior, the government finally banned the trade of turtle meat. But unfortunately, there’s still illegal trade that’s done secretly by irresponsible people.
Well, some injured turtles are rescued by the conservation staffs to be treated at Serangan Turtle Conservation. In there, you can learn their development. There are several turtles which are put together in a large pond. It’s a sign that the turtles are healthy and can be released to the wild in the near future. This conservation also provides sands for the turtles to lay their eggs. In time, the hatchlings will be released into the ocean.
There are various type of turtles in the conservation, namely green turtles, hawksbill turtles, and lekang turtles. At Serangan Turtle Conservation you can get a complete explanation about sea turtles. What kind of sea turtles are in Indonesia, what size, and how old is a turtle’s life. Well, if you come in a group, there are some interesting activities there: become a volunteer! You and your friends can help the staffs to clean the turtle pond and learn how to fill in the pond with fresh water. Besides that, you can also make paintings or other crafts related to turtles. Or if you want to contribute yourself to the survival of sea turtles life, they are open to receive donations. Anyway, besides the conservation staffs, there are also veterinarians who are available to cure the sea turtles.
Are you interested in visiting the conservation? Be sure not to touch the sea turtles! Turtles are vulnerable and sensitive. If you touch them, they could be panic and flap one of their fins, resulting the fin to break. Even in Serangan Turtle Conservation, one pond is only for one turtle (except for healthy turtles). So if there are injuries or viruses, in a sea turtle, the others won’t get infected. Well, if you desire to hold or touch a turtle in this conservation, that’s too bad you can’t. Let’s be a wise traveler by not forcing your will just to prettify your feeds on social media!