Savor The Sweetness Of Traditional Balinese Cuisine, Pésan Telengis

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Savor The Sweetness Of Traditional Balinese Cuisine, Pésan Telengis.

Traveling is not always about visiting new tourist attractions, but also tasting the culinary. Some culinary might taste weird because you’ve never even tried it before. But that doesn’t mean this is a barrier for you to taste a variety of dishes, right?

Pésan Telengis

In Bali, there are special dishes that you can try. It's called Pésan Telengis. The shape is the same as pepes in general. But the difference lies in the basic ingredients used. If Pepes is usually made from processed chicken or fish Pepes Tlengis is made from telengis or coconut milk residue from the making of filtered coconut oil. No need to feel strange, because telengis is indeed often used by the Balinese people as food. Because Telengis or Tain Lengis turns out to contain protein that is very good for our body.

Pepes Telengis is made by mixing sludge with a Balinese base genep. You can also add cinnamon leaves, katuk leaves, as well as Moringa and shrimp leaves. After all ingredients and spices are mixed evenly, then you can start to shape it like pepes, wrapped in banana leaves, then roasted over coals until cooked. 

If you like sweets, it could be your favorite menu while in Bali, because the taste tends to be sweet. The savory taste will be slightly felt because it comes from shrimp and base genep seasoning. You’ll be happy once the first mouthful of Pepes Tlengis goes into your mouth. The texture of the Pésan Telengis is very soft like tofu pepes. 

Pésan Telengis is the best when eaten with warm rice. Not only local people, local and foreign tourists also love this traditional cuisine. So, when you’re in Bali, don’t forget to get this traditional meal! Pésan Telengis is the best food to enjoy at lunch, with a glass of orange juice. Your vacation in Bali will definitely be memorable.