The Richly Tempting Rujak Buah Kuah Pindang

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The Richly Tempting Rujak Buah Kuah Pindang.

Famous for its attractive tourism objects, Bali also has many delicious culinary delights that you have to try. Beside Ayam Betutu and Sate Lilit, Bali offers any other dishes that are ready to ‘spoil’ your tongue. Rujak Kuah Pindang is one of them. It’s a fruit salad mixed with fish gravy. If you like fruits, then this one is a must-try food. Certainly, you’ll be addicted to this delicious meal.

You can find a lot of fruit salad in Bali, combined with abundant brown sugar sauce. But, Rujak Kuah Pindang is different! It offers you a special taste. Just like the name, this fruit salad uses pindang gravy as its main ingredient. Pindang gravy comes from the water of boiled Pindang Fish (could be from Tuna, Lemuru, or Sardines). It takes about an hour for the boiling process. The stew is then mixed with brown or white sugar and shrimp paste. In your mind, perhaps you can already scent the fishy smell. But, no, you won’t. Apparently, the gravy, bay leaves, and lemongrass which are also boiled together to reduce the fishy smell.

The pindang gravy is then mixed with small cutting fruits. This fruit salad contains mostly tropical fruits such as cucumber, pineapple, young papaya, rasped, young mango, yam bean, guava, apple, and salak. In some food stalls, Rujak is served on a rattan wicker plate, padded with meal wrap paper or banana leaves. Meanwhile, some stalls serve it on regular plate.

Well, the combination of all these ingredients will create a savory, fresh, spicy and sour taste simultaneously. It will burst in your mouth and is ready to make you addicted. Enjoy every bite of it. Rujak Kuah Pindang is suitable to be consumed during the day. If you want to taste it, you can go to the Denpasar area. There are several stalls of Rujak Kuah Pindang with their well-known delicacy.