Relishing The Beautiful Sunrise At Bukit Asah Bugbug

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  • Jalan Asah Bugbug, Karangasem, Sengkidu Village, Manggis District


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Relishing The Beautiful Sunrise At Bukit Asah Bugbug.

More than just beaches and seas, Bali offers you a myriad of exotic natural beauties. Bukit Asah Bugbug for instance, is one of those secluded paradises that are worth your visit. Spend a day or two here and you will definitely fall in love with its extraordinary outdoor view, where the sky is your roof, and the wind becomes your best friend.

Bukit Asah Bugbug

Especially for camping enthusiasts, Bukit Asah Bugbug should be on your must-visit list, whenever you go to Bali. Not only it is a budget friendly destination, here, you will surely relax and stay close to the nature. Go to the West part of Bali, Sengkidu Village, Manggis Sub-district, Karangasem Regency to be exact. The first thing you will see when you get there is a “flat” hill with green grass. It is just a perfect place to set a tent and build a bonfire. Located in the edge of the cliff, you can see a wide-open ocean from here.

Before becoming one of tourist camping destinations, Bukit Asah Bugbug was a long beans garden belongs to local people. But in the early 2000’s, some tourists started coming and setting their tents here. Soon after that, the tourism development agency of Bugbug Village managed to make this area an official tourist camping garden, making it one of the most visited places in Karangasem Regency.

You don’t have to worry if you don’t bring any camping equipment when visiting Bukit Asah Bugbug because the Local people will rent it to you. You can even choose which type of tent that you prefer. Either medium or VIP tent, it depends on the price and facilities you will get. Since it is called glamping or glamorous camping, the tent includes bedroom, lighting and electricity, public kitchen and public toilet. And by night, you can enjoy the fantastic milky way along with bonfire set by the manager of the camping area.

Please consider when you choose your camping spot because the camping manager set it in a terrace land. For safety reason, the tents will be arranged between the trees to keep it from blowing away in high winds. It’s a bit of a walk to the edge of the hill, but the blue ocean will entertain your eyes and soul, with Mount Agung in the background. The breathtaking picture of the golden sky at sunset will captivate you as much as the splendor of its sunrise.

Don’t forget to bring your sweater because Bukit Asah Bugbug is a cold place compared to other places in Bali. Bukit Asah Bugbug is also called “Taman Harmoni Bali”, because of the local belief that it brings harmony to human, nature, and God. By the way, fishing place and outbound can also be found near this area. In the future, the government will expand the facility by adding bungee jumping. The nearest beach from Bukit Asah Bugbug is the Virgin Beach, one of the most famous beaches in Karangasem.

From the airport, it will take you 2 hours driving to reach Bukit Asah Bugbug. However, if you are in Denpasar city, at the center of Bali, it will only take approximately 1.5 hours with normal traffic. So, pack your bag, then get ready to relax and be indulged by the heavenly view of Bukit Asah Bugbug.