White As A Snow, The Beauty Of White Kasna Field
White As A Snow, The Beauty Of White Kasna Field.
Want to enjoy a beautiful stretch of flowers on this holiday? Certainly, you can! You just need to visit Padang Bunga Kasna Karangasem. There, you will be satisfied to take pictures of the beautiful scenery. Of course, the photos you take there can make your Instagram feed even cooler.
Once you enter the Padang Bunga Kasna Karangasem field, you will be immediately greeted by a view of white flowers. Yes, those white flowers are called Kasna. That is why this place is called Padang Bunga Kasna Karangasem. Uniquely, at a glance, this place looks like it's covered in snow because it’s pure white as long as your eyes can see.
The flowers in that garden are actually wildflowers that grow between the rocks. However, then the local community felt interested in its beauty and began to manage it. The flowers are also used as a complement for Hindus to worship. This Kasna flower is harvested during Galungan Day. So, if you want to visit, make sure you come a week or two before the celebration so you are not disappointed. Moreover, the harvest period only occurs twice a year.
This garden located in Temukus Village, not far from Mount Agung. If you want to go there, you need two hours drive from Denpasar via the Pura Besakih route. If you’re not sure about the route you take, don't be shy to ask local people. They are used to the presence of tourists and will be happy to help you.