Baris Memedi, The Sacred Dance From Jatiluwih Village
Baris Memedi, The Sacred Dance From Jatiluwih Village.
Symbols in Balinese culture are articulated through art, like through the dance movements, for example. A work of dance depicting local beliefs. Like the Memedi Baris Dance which was held in Jatiluwih Village and Tengkudak Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency. So, when is the Memedi Baris dance performed? Check out the full review!
There are many kinds of Baris dance in Bali. The Baris Memedi dance is one of the unique sacred dances. This dance is played before the Pitra Yadnya Ceremony. Played individually or collectively, this dance has its own character. There are 7 to 9 dancers, including 1 Penemprat.
When the music began to be echoed, this dance starts. The Baris Memedi dance is spontaneous, you know. Thus, each Baris Memedi dance takes place on the road from Setra to the funeral home. There is no routine training in preparing every move. In fact, makeup and clothing are also arranged spontaneously. It might feel a little scary when you first see it. Especially if you do not know the purpose of this dance.
Relax, this dance has a noble purpose even though the dancer's facial makeup looks scary. The Baris Memedi dance wants to describe a group of spirits that usher in the soul of the deceased.
The clothes worn by the dancers come from branches and leaves. Clothing material can only be obtained from around the cemetery. Makeup is indeed made to resemble a spirit because it does depict its figure. When the Baleganjur gong began playing, the dancers, which consist of grown men, moved their bodies.
After dancing the Baris Memedi Dance, the dancer doesn’t go home immediately. The procession to restore awareness was carried out by all dancers. The dancers must bathe in the river to cleanse themselves in a noetic way. Well, after bathing, the dancers returned to the cemetery or setra to carry out the rituals of nebusin. This ritual is carried out to restore the soul that previously had not been fused. Finally, dancers must paint as a sign that they are fully conscious.
The dancers in this sacred dance which is a means of the Ngaben Ceremony have lost consciousness. According to Pamangku Pengempu Baris Memedi, this depends on the condition of each dancer. The duration of the dance is also indeterminate, depending on the Penemprat who controls the dance.
Sacred dance is only performed on important days. Like other Baris Dance, Baris Memedi Dance also has a spirit that has grown and passed down from generation to generation until today.