Tanah Wuk, The Natural Charm Of North Badung Valley
Tanah Wuk, The Natural Charm Of North Badung Valley.
The natural charm of Bali attracts millions of tourists both those who still plan to visit or who have saved their travel memories. While still in the plan, there is one tourist attraction that presents the charm of the beautiful valley. It is located in the Tukad Penet River valley. The distance is only 2 kilometers north of the Sangeh Monkey Forest, Badung Regency, Bali. From I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, it is approximately 36 kilometers.
Tanah Wuk, a tourist spot located in the highlands with cool air surrounding. This makes the tourists feel at home for long relaxing while taking pictures. Green hills lined up neatly make the scene like an expressionist painting. Uneven but still colored. Multi-level rice fields collaborate with coffee plantations. Gurgling river water flows clear to complete the composition.
This nature tourism has an area of about 3 hectares. Around the tourist area of Tanah Wuk stood gazebos that were allowed to be used as resting places. Some restaurants are also open to taking orders such as a cup of coffee and Balinese snacks. In this place, you can order Balinese specialties such as Nasi Sela and Sate Lilit.
Not only relaxing and enjoying the atmosphere, but Tanah Wuk is also a place for other activities, such as camping. At certain times such as holiday, there will certainly be many tents standing accompanied by the sound of laughter and humming accompanied by the strains of the guitar. In addition, there are also visitors who are busy with their oars and inflatable boats. Yes, rafting can also be done on the twists and turns of the Yeh Penet River.
Do you want to vacation in Tanah Wuk? In the vicinity of tourist sites are also available lodging. Unfortunately, you must be observant to find this place since there are no signboards. Even though the road access is very adequate, stop your vehicle wheels if you are confused to find this place. Ask local residents if the maps on your smartphone don't really help.
Only by paying a ticket of IDR 5,000,00 you can enjoy your time together with the beautiful natural charm in Tanah Wuk. Don’t forget to prepare some cash in rupiah to buy drinks and snacks. Some spots in Tanah Wuk are also suitable for background photos. So, bring a camera and supporting equipment to get a good picture.
Tanah Wuk is open from 8:00 to 18:00. Calculate the time and weather if you want to stop by this open air. During the rainy season, bring an umbrella or raincoat. When the dry season, maybe the yellowish sun and blue sky will bless your vacation to Bali this time. Have a nice vacation!