There’s A Sleeping Giant Buddha At The Dharma Giri Temple!

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  • Jalan Raya Pupuan, Pupuan,


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There’s A Sleeping Giant Buddha At The Dharma Giri Temple!.

Bali, a small island that is barely visible on the world map. The island has a population of around three million people with a large proportion of Hindus. Even so, Bali apparently has a beautiful temple in Tabanan. You must come to this temple to see its beauty, or just take a good look at what is Buddhist temple like in Tabanan.

Seeing the Sleeping Buddha

Vihara Dharma Giri is the name of a Buddhist place of worship in Tabanan, located in the village of Pupuan, Tabanan Regency, West Bali. This monastery has a very large white Buddha statue in a sleeping position. You can drive about one hour from Tabanan to Pupuan, with a distance of about 20 km from Buleleng in North Bali. But if you go from Kuta, Dharma Giri Temple is about two hours away. Besides offering a unique place, the temple also has a calm and peaceful atmosphere. You can freely explore this extraordinary place with ease.

Dharma Giri Temple is open to the public for free. However, visitors are expected to give donations to be used for the maintenance of the monastery. This applies to local and foreign tourists. There will be a guard who is ready to give you instructions regarding the order of the temple. Including the ethics of dressing if you want to be allowed to enter. For example, you are not permitted to use shorts, and you must remove your footwear when you are in the temple grounds. In addition, you also have to use closed clothing from the waist down. However, for visitors who do not carry appropriate clothing, a cover cloth will be provided by the temple administrator.

Dharma Giri Temple has three floors, each of which has a different function. The first floor has a field that is open to the public. Where you can enjoy drinks that are available at the canteen and souvenir shop. If you go upstairs, you will find a 10 meter-long Buddha statue that is sleeping majestically. This white statue is the main attraction of the temple. In the background of the Buddha statue, you can see the mountains and green plantations of the residents. If you are in the right direction, it is as if a Buddha statue is sleeping on a lotus against a background of white clouds.

Still, in the same area, you can find many bonsai trees. But keep in mind, visitors are prohibited from touching the bonsai. Across from the Buddha statue, you can relax in a small gazebo with a small fish pond below. From here, you can look at the Amitabha statue that is not far from the gazebo.

After that, you can go up the stairs to the courtyard for a place of prayer. You should only be in the area of the page, because visitors are not allowed to enter, except for those who want to pray. But you can turn right. Many dragon fruit trees there. In addition, a large enough yard is also provided for the venue if there is an event at the temple.

Well, to be able to enjoy the Dharma Giri Temple, you should come in the afternoon. That way, you can feel the cool air that blows breezily on your skin and hair. The cool atmosphere fits right into the temple environment. Plus, Vihara Darma Giri is very clean. You can freely go around and look around, while occasionally reading a few short reflections at the monastery. Even a calm atmosphere is perfect for contemplation and meditation. You can also take part in meditation activities held by the temple. But beforehand, you have to check the schedule or ask the temple manager.